
Showing posts from November, 2015

Bomber Harris, we need you to come back and "visit" us again, please!

Goodbye Germany. Yesterday showed that the fascists are gaining the upper hand, protected by the police as usual. Very sad to see this happening, especially in the middle of Berlin. In parallel to that, the established parties are passing the laws their stormtroops on the ground demand - while they of course deny that they're on their side. But we judge you by your actions, not by your words, and those actions tell us that all of those in power right now would have fit in really well in the 1930s ... . Please, we need Allied troops to come back before it's too late, again.  The world needs to realize that Germany will never change, the majority of people here will always be xenophobe, racist scumbags. And while there has been no "real war" in the last 70 years, it is simply because Germany was more clever this time - they waged an economic war on the "eurozone" and they won. You can see the results quite clearly, especially since Maastricht II has been i...

Hate is in the air

Warum man die Post und alle assoziierten Unternehmen einfach nur hassen muss. Was bestellt. Sperrgut. Keine email oder so von DHL (doitsche honk logistics) bekommen. Händler angerufen. Händler sacht, ist raus mit DHL. Gibt mir sendungsnummer. DHL tracking sacht dann, zustellversuch am Samstag um halb zwei. Ha! Wir waren seit 11 permanent zu hause. War keiner da. Auch nix im Kasten mit Benachrichtigung. Also einfach mal so gescannt, weil keinen Bock gehabt, vorbei zu kommen. Wichser. Montag zur Filiale. Zwanzig vor drei am Nachmittag. Schlange bis raus aus der Tür. Zwei Schalter besetzt. Fuck you. Ich hoffe, die werden bald alle durch Roboter und Drohnen ersetzt und arbeitslos.