
Showing posts from December, 2014

Wooster in the Snow

We returned to Berlin in the middle of last night after an uneventful train ride across Germany. From da westside to da eastside sozusagen. And we fell asleep almost immediately after getting back to our flat. When we woke up Monday morning, everything was white. Snow, in case you're wondering, not cocaine, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this, I would own the fucking Internet. So instead of a walk through coca fields we did what Wooster likes best - walking through heaps and heaps of snow in the Tiergarten. Btw, these are really the very rare moments when the Tiergarten is actually a nice place - snow makes it happen, covers up all the junk. Without snow, it's just an ugly German dump. But I'm digressing ... as a true direwolf Wooster likes snow and enjoys running amok. Hope you enjoy the pictures as well. Should you be wondering why he's looking so wet in some of them - he tried the ice and fell into the lake. Very sweet, and real close to the shore luckily, so n...

United in Hate

Ich war ein bisschen enttäuscht, dass der Song nicht auf der Setlist stand. Das war aber auch das einzige, was ich am letzten Dienstag abend auszusetzen hatte. Endlich wieder Kreator live. Da froie ich mich seit Wochen drauf. Ich hatte einige Bedenken wegen der Location, das Huxleys ist nicht gerade für seinen guten Sound berühmt. Aber das war zum Glück unbegründet, der Sound war der Hammer, druckvoll, brutal, wunderbar. Es geht doch, man muss halt nur das richtige Equipment ranschaffen und Leute, die was davon verstehen ... . Besonders traurig wenn man das mit dem Rise Against Konzert im fucking Velodrom vor ein paar Wochen vergleicht. Das war ordentlich viel teurer und richtig Scheiße wegen des Kacksounds. Anyway, no use crying over spilt milk. Kreator haben gerockt, geiles Intro, Hammerset, relativ straight durchgeprügelt, mit fast allen Hits von ganz früher bis heute. Ich bin verliebt und lösche alle anderen Songs auf meiner Festplatte. :-) Geil war auch das Publikum. Eine Menge ...

It's concert season

It seems to be a characteristic of the last couple of weeks before the end of the year that thousands of bands are on tour and you need a secretary to schedule and manage all those dates. I've already posted my disappointment about the fucking velodrome on fuckbook. Rise Against were great but the sound was shit, so overall a big disaster and another location to add to the no-go list. The postbahnhof is on that list as well. Cheers! Last night we were at the columbiahalle at the Trailerpark record release party. Sexualethisch desorientiert. The sound was not good, but not as bad as in the velodrome. I still don't understand why all these locations in Berlin struggle with the sound so much. Nevermind, the show was still a lot of fun, very silly as expected.  Today Aufbau West and then my personal highlight of the year on Tuesday. Kreator. Roaaaaaaaar.