
Showing posts from June, 2015

Deutschland sucht den Superhonk

Air Berlin Flug nach CGN. Dienstag morgen. Alle stehen in einer Reihe am boarding gate. Bis auf den einen Wichser, oder besser adliger Wichser, wie ein Blick auf seine Bordkarte verrät. Der glaubt, einfach so an allen vorbei zu dürfen. Hat dann aber keine Eier in der adligen Anzughose, als ich ihn nach hinten schicke. Im Flugzeug sitzt er Reihe 1 natürlich und im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Passagieren steckt er seinen adligen Rollkoffer quer ins Fach. Damit die dreckigen nicht Adligen weniger Platz haben. Und blockiert dann nebenbei noch den erste Hilfe Kasten. Und hat dann wieder keine Eier, als ich ihm befehle, das anders zu machen. Was für ein armes Würstchen. Wahrscheinlich ist er tatsächlich kastriert. Oder vielleicht steht er auch drauf und wartet, dass ich die (Fleisch)Peitsche raushole. Disgusting. So Leute gehören einfach nur ausgerottet. Aber schöne Krawatte und Anstecknadel.

Aussie Fragments, pt MCMXVII

Aussie humour hasn't changed that much though. Still nearly no sense of irony or sarcasm, but sometimes the blunt ones are the best:

Post-Homophobic Australia

One small thing I had forgotten when I wrote my enthusiastic piece about Australia's enlightment. They even have public Glory Holes! "Golden Hole" is the Aussie slang word for it and they are even signposted from the highway - way to go Berlin! Hats off. 

Me and Tony Stark at Changi

The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Good Old Days (Battle of the Centuries, pt I)

C-Club last Tuesday was much better than Umbaupause No More. Small. Loud. Extremely loud. Bad Religion in good form, didn't see any respirators or rollators. Only old songs, thank you for that. Straight and to the point. Me liked.

Umbaupause No More

Went to see Faith No More at the Zitadelle last Saturday. Shared a totally cramped UBahn with lots of Barca fans (and some Arsenal supporters, wtf?). Nice. Sweat. Beer. Male cuddling and jiffing going on. Rrrrrrrrrr. Arrived at Zitadelle to find that the Umbaupause was still going on ... and on ... and on and on and on for another hour. Extremely unprofessional and annoying. Especially because I knew that they have to stop at 10pm. So they started at 8:55pm. Great. No value for money here. Contrary to expectations, the sound was fantastic. Good job. Great musicians. Good show. But I had forgotten why never  go to festivals of any kind - I don't like the atmosphere. Or rather the lack of it. Felt like listening to music on very expensive headphones at the dentist. Well, a smoking and beer-drinking-stinking dentist, but still. The stage deco didn't really help, all in white with flowers everywhere, bit like a scientology funeral. Not that I've ever been to one.