Satt, zufrieden, glücklich

So stellt sich die Lage am Samstag abend gegen halb neun Ortszeit dar. This is definitely one of the nicest spots in all NZ. I want to live here. First things first though. Leaving Gizzy was quite hard - it is a really nice spot as well, beautiful beaches, good food, nice people, nice landscape etc etc etc. But the hardest part was the traditional farewell ceremony I have to endure each time I'm leaving town. I had to kiss babies for nearly an hour, working my way through the throng of women, so great was their desire to receive a blessing from the tanmaster ... and I was wondering how many of those kids were mine actually. Nevermind, I have a duty to fulfill and the people of New Zealand have a right to be visited by me so I have to be careful not too linger to long in any town.

We drove from Gisborne to Opotiki via SH2 and the Waioeka Gorge. Scenic Drive! Nuff said! We did a little detour though to Motu Falls and walked through the beautiful bush/forest in the Whinray Reserve. Lovely! And only 12k of gravel road. :-) Well worth it. There was a sheep farm in the valley and they were shearing having a gangbang party and playing Bob Marley on powerful outdoor speakers. Very funny, the sheep made a really nice background choire to the chief.

From Opotiki to Ohope Beach then, along the beautiful coast, side roads, hidden macadamia farms (more gravel, even more worth it) and finally our accommodation, Ocean View Motel which is right on the fucking beach. And the beach is 11km long. And beautiful. And surfable. What more could you want? The weather is fine too, absolutely brilliant.

Tomorrow we'll head for the Coromandel - but only after plundering the Whakatane farmer's market and a berry farm on the way.


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